Bath Cancer Unit Support Group (BCUSG) is a small local charity run entirely by volunteers who raise money to purchase equipment and provide facilities and services unable to be funded by the NHS to benefit cancer patients at the Royal United Hospital, Bath.

As a result of having no premises or employees and being run by a small group of volunteers who generally fund their own expenses, BCUSG has very low overheads with around 90-95% of funds raised going direct to projects.

Formed in 1985 the charity has to-date raised over £6 million and completed numerous successful projects that make a real difference for local cancer patients.

Help in making a real difference for local cancer patients by running the Bath Half 2025 and raising sponsorship for Bath Cancer Unit Support Group.

BCUSG has Bath Half 2025 places available at £45 each. We don’t ask for any minimum sponsorship pledge but we are hoping that you will raise at least £200. On race day we will have a stand in the runner’s village to help and support you. Our Bath Half runners are invited to our annual Donors & Supporters evening where they hear from senior health professionals at the RUH about the difference they have made to the care of local cancer patients & we get an opportunity to personally thank them.

For an application form click:

If you have a general entry & would like to become a BCUSG own place runner or you would like further information click:


Charity website: