“Young carers are children aged 5 to 18 who have caring responsibilities in their home.The person(s) being cared for may have a physical or mental illness, a long term health condition or a terminal illness, or have problems with alcohol or drug misuse.
The following examples, outline just some of the issues they face (details amended to protect privacy) –
– Mary, 10 years old, cares for her mum who has physical disabilities and has just learnt she has womb cancer.
– Henry, aged 16, cares for his mum who has a crumbling spine and is in severe pain constantly. He also cares for his sister who has severe mobility issues, and his brother who has asperger syndrome.
– Susan, aged 10, lost her mum to cancer and is now caring for her dad who is terminally ill.
Our charity was set up to raise both awareness of young carers issues, and much needed extra funds to help improve the quality of life for these special young people. The charity has no staff to pay, no offices to rent, just some enthusiastic volunteers, who want, with the help of friends like you, to make a difference.
You can help us give young carers like Mary, Henry and Susan a break from their challenging daily routines.
Commit to raise £200 in sponsorship, and we’ll provide a free place for you, a running vest, jelly beans(!), and every possible encouragement before and during the event.
Just email Gillie Fisher on [email protected] or phone her on 07817353693, and if you want more information regarding our work please visit our website.
Look forward to seeing you in October 2022!
Bath Half Fundraising History
Friends of Young Carers has now been an official charity partner of the Bath Half Marathon for 11 years and in this time have raised a total figure of £67,340 from fundraising at this event.