In 2009, Founding Trustee Mel Scott and her husband, Baz, experienced the devastating loss of their son Finley during labour at Musgrove Park Hospital. They spent several days together as a family in the Rowan Suite making memories to treasure. (You can read more about their story here). At that time, support services and resources available for grieving families were quite different and Mel found it difficult to access support.

Using funds raised at Finley’s funeral, Mel and Baz began providing memory-making gift kits to the hospital (these later developed into the Butterfly Boxes we provide today). Over time the services and resources offered grew, and we became a registered charity in 2012.

We can help families before, during, and around the time of loss (including termination, miscarriage, stillbirth, TFMR, neonatal death, and also if the person is continuing a pregnancy when the baby’s life is expected to be brief). We listen to how people are feeling, allowing time to express themselves and to navigate the next steps. It may be in the provision of information and resources or accompanying them as they welcome their baby. We may meet families at different points on their journey through life after loss, when things are more difficult, providing them with holistic therapies, 3 Step Rewind, 1:1 support, or meeting families at events like our Wave Of Light.

Some families go on to have another baby after their loss, and we can offer services and resources then too.

Many of our trustees and volunteers have experienced baby loss themselves (and those who haven’t had lots of experience of working around families who have), so the people we support can be sure of gentle, understanding support.

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