Dear Charities,
Happy New Year! We hope you all were able to have a peaceful Christmas. I am sure this year we all have the same wish – that the months ahead are better than the ones that have just passed.
We appreciate that this is a hugely challenging time for charities, both in increased demand on many of your services and the cost of delivering services, at the same time as the pandemic has impacted on your ability to fundraise. We are keen as always to support you and to work together to maximise the fundraising potential at the Bath Half and would like to provide you with some useful updates.
Virtual Charity Forum
We have been unable to host our charity forum in the usual way this year, but we are proposing to do so virtually, and to offer a series of online webinars to our 2021 Charity Partners.
The first of these will be a webinar presented by Andrew Taylor, Bath Half Race Director on Tuesday 26th January at 11am. Andrew will be outlining our plans for the 2021 event and looking ahead to 2022, offering key marketing dates and sharing further information on our Charity Hub, virtual Charity Forum, and the Bath Virtual Event Series.
Please look out for an invite to follow this newsletter which will contain a link to access the webinar.
Charity Hub
We are just putting the final touches to our new Charity Hub before launching it to you very soon. You will require a login and password to access all the information that will be available. This will be a central place where you will find all documentation and information related to the Bath Half.
Virtual Event Series
Our virtual event series includes a 5k, 10k and a half marathon distance to keep runners motivated to train during the cold, dark winter months. We are asking entrants to the virtual half marathon to complete the distance over the original event date of 13th/14th March. For more information on the virtual series please take a look here. This may present a possible fundraising opportunity for you.
New Charity Closing Date
A reminder and a note for your diaries that the closure deadline for registering charity place runners for the 2021 Bath Half Marathon has been extended to 4pm on Thursday 22nd July 2021. We will not be able to make any exceptions after this date. We would recommend that you set up your Team page as soon as possible and start registering your runners. We appreciate this is a new registration platform this year so if you require any support please get in touch.
Thanks for your continued support and please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions on any of the above.
Bath Half Charity Team