The Wessex Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre is a registered charity providing therapies, information, practical and emotional support for people with multiple sclerosis, their carers and families. The charity is completely self funded with no help from the government or NHS. We offer physical therapies in a comfortable and friendly environment to aid symptom management, promoting and enabling independence to improve well being and quality of life. We want all our members to enjoy each visit to the centre where we provide long term, individual support. We offer a non clinical setting where the hard work and commitment from the staff and volunteers ensures a happy and positive environment for many people who are in constant pain.
100,000 people in the UK are estimated to have multiple sclerosis (MS), a chronic neurological disorder and the most common cause of neurological disability in young adults. It is sometimes benign, frequently remitting, but often progressive with gradually increasing disability. Although that disability will vary, the uncertainty and unpredictability is universal. For most MS does not have a significant effect on life expectancy but for some it may mean facing 50 years of disability and distress.
The centre offers physiotherapy, reflexology, oxygen therapy, counselling, massage therapy, nutritional advice, and yoga, we also provide a regular members lunch offering a warm friendly environment.
Even though the Therapy Centre is based in Warminster it covers the whole of the Wessex region to include Bath, Andover, Salisbury and Yeovil and all the surrounding towns and villages.
To run for the Wessex Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre please contact Amanda Strong on 01985 217728 or email.
Visit our website to find out more
We look forward to seeing you at the Bath Half Marathon 2022!
Bath Half Fundraising History
Wessex MS Therapy Centre has now been an official charity partner of the Bath Half Marathon for 5 years and in this time have raised a total figure of £29,906 from fundraising at this event.